About me

About us

About us


Hi my name is Yesenia Gomez and I am a certified keto coach.  I started my keto journey in January 2019 because I was invited to a wedding in Punta Cana. When I opened the invite, my first thought was that I needed to lose weight. One thing was to wear a girdle one night but an entire week impossible. I began the weight loss process and lost 50 pounds in six months. After I had gone from a size 14 to size 4 pants, the wedding was canceled due to COVID.  To my surprise, the ketogenic diet was much more than losing weight it also helped me with my health issues. I fell I love with the lifestyle.  I could not keep it a secret.  I am here to help everyone that wants to try the ketogenic diet to lose weight or for their health.  I am passionate about this lifestyle and I cannot wait to share my knowledge and help you achieve your weight loss results and celebrate your amazing transformation.








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